March 13, 2010


{Our backyard}

I thought I should post some pictures of the snow from a couple of weeks ago. Amazingly, all of it is almost gone, and the temperatures have soared to the mid 60's! Rudy and I were marvelling this morning that it went from the low 30's to the 50's and now to almost 70 in a matter of days. All I can say is that I hope this weather pattern continues, and that we really are approaching spring.
{View of our neighbor's car from upstairs}

{Gatsby with the pups at Whetstone park on my birthday}

In regard to the above picture, remember this little adventure from when I let Gatsby off the leash for the first time? I swore he'd never go off leash again. However, after months of walking the same path, I've started giving him bouts of running free with the other dogs. And he finally gets it!! Even when he goes off and chases something, he always eventually realizes he's alone and that he better catch up fast. Sometimes it takes him ten minutes, but I've learned to calm down and know that he'll be racing around the corner in no time.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh my, you have me laughing.

    Good ol Gatsp... running around the corner :D

    I miss those floppy ears!

    I miss YOUUUU!!!

    Great to see how things are going in Ohio!

    I will ring you now.

    <3 Maya
